Half Man, Half Machine, All Centaur

A robot is going to steal your job. AI is only a handful of years away from being smarter than you. The bot uprising is coming to enslave or kill us all. Deep learning is creating code that we can’t understand. The great digital divide is coming. Maybe. Or maybe there is another path forward….

More Human than Human: We are Already Cyborgs

This article was written in 2015 for MISC Magazine, and I still only consistently wear 1 piece of technology (hint: it was invented by Elizabeth Miller in the 1800s). Never has the question, “what does it mean to be human?” been more relevant than right now. Cyborgs, embeddables, and androids, oh my – yet granted…

Biobotics: The Automation of Life

This article was written in 2014 for MISC magazine, but not that much has changed yet. When most people hear the term “robot,” they picture a mass of lumbering metal powered by batteries, motors, electrical wires, and circuit boards. However, recent advancements have forced me to rethink my own definition of a field I’ve been…

The Internet of Flesh

I recently reposted an article I wrote a couple of years back about the concept of Biobotics: biologically-based automated machines. At the time of writing, I was thinking a lot about the denial of metal and electronics as the only building blocks for the robotic world. The concept made perfect sense; so many of our…