Dr. Shane P.
Plays well with others
Welcome to my digital playground.
My goal in life is to make the world around me smarter – humans and technology. I strive to evolve how humans perceive and leverage technology and work to redefine how technology interacts with humans. I believe that to do this effectively, I need to be able to play in many worlds.
This means that you’ll find me anywhere I can have an impact: teaching in a class, speaking on a stage, tinkering in the lab, interacting in a board room, chatting at a pub, or annoying all of my friends at a party. Technology is too powerful to simply “let happen”; we need to approach digital transformation with open eyes and thoughtful discussion.

Read My Rambling
I like to shoot my mouth off on the internet. Sometimes it’s entertaining and enlightening; sometimes I come off like a raving madman. You be the judge.
Explore My Research
Persuasive robots should avoid authority: The effects of formal and real authority on persuasion in HRI
What happens when you put a robot into a position of authority? People get weirded out and defiant. PDF
Investigating Strategies for Robot Persuasion in Social Human-Robot Interaction
…or how I stopped worrying and learned to emotionally manipulate people with a robot. PDF
How Robots Influence Humans: a Survey of Nonverbal Communication in Social Human-Robot Interaction
Everything you wanted to know about robot body language (but were afraid to ask). PDF

Let’s Play!
If you want to pick my brain or have me tinker with yours, get in touch.