Automate with Caution: Learnings from a History of Dehumanization

This article was originally published in my role as a Fellow with the Human Futures Studio. As a researcher in Human-Robot Interaction, a lecturer in digital transformation, and a historian of all things automated, I am constantly surprised by the consistent failure of organizations deploying automation. I speak broadly here of automation: technologies that execute…

What do you mean by Strategy?

What exactly does the word ‘strategy’ mean to you? You may read HBR with some frequency and use terms like “resource allocation” when you’re talking about hiring or firing people. You may quote deeply from Sun Tzu and have some sort of professional sports memorabilia hung awkwardly or proudly in your office. You may consider…

Warm Embrace of Uncertainty

It’s a classic quote, however, in my opinion, we’ve been saying it wrong for years. In fact, 3 things in life are certain: death, taxes and change. What I’m about to tell you is nothing new, so unless you have 10 minutes to kill, go ahead and skip this article; you’ve heard it all before….